
Sneeza Job Portal

Hello! Welcome to Sneeza Job Portal. If you want to work as a freelancer, Sneeza is the best platform for you. Please take following test to get online job as a freelancer here at Sneeza. 

How to Take Test?

1: You must log in to take our job test. Register your account if you don’t have.

Pass Chained Quiz

You must log in to pass this chained quiz.

2: After logged in, take our job test set in chain. You can access the next one if you pass the current quiz with at least 50% score.

3: At the end of this chained quiz, you will attempt Sneeza Descriptive Ability Test within a given time. This is the core test.

Benefits of Working as a Freelancer at Sneeza

While working as a freelancer here at Sneeza you can work at different roles and positions like post writer, proof reader, editor, story writer, interview conductor, online instructor, technical content publisher, course designer, lesson developer, quiz generator and lead organizer. All these roles are considered executive  positions within the world of freelancing. Please note that we pay based on performance. So you can earn online at a brisk pace. Register yourself at Sneeza, take our job test and join Sneeza learning with earning program.