To sell on Sneeza Shop, you need to add products, and you just need a product name and a price to begin. On this page, you’ll learn how to add the various types of products.
Adding a Simple Product
Let’s add a Simple product. You will need:
- Product name
- Product’s regular price
- Product image (from your Media Library or you can browse it)
The following example results in a basic product listing, without a description, assigned to the default “Uncategorized” product category:
- Go to Dashboard > Products > Add New Product.
- Enter a Product name.
- In the Product data > General section, the Product type should default to Simple product.
- Tick Virtual and Downloadable options if your product is digital in nature.
- Enter an amount in the Regular price field.
- In the Product image panel in the right-hand column, click the Set product image link.
- Select the image you want to use and click the Set product image button.
- Click the Publish button in the Publish panel.
- Click the View product link at the top of the screen to view the newly created product.
Adding an External/Affiliate Product
Select External/Affiliate product from the Product type dropdown. This changes the Product data panel a bit. It first removes the shipping section from the left side and then adds two new fields in the General section; the Product URL and Button text fields. The Product URL field is the destination where users can purchase this product. Then the Button text lets you change the normal Add to cart button text to your preferred text. You can write button text like visit website, buy here or shop here. Please put referral URL in product URL.
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